Kamis, 13 Mei 2010


okeh lets write some word in this stufid blog,
abis nonton three idiots .. the film is suferbly insfiring to become a better ferson..
btw keyboard gw rusak jadi gak bisa nulis huruf abjad setelah huruf "o",ngerti kan maksud gw?

so definetly this movie became my favorit...
invictus juga jadi favorit gw..

karakter karakter dari three idiots ngingetin ke diri gw sendiri..hoho ge eran

oke 2lima tahun udah lewat gitu aja di hiduf gw, dan gw mulai berfikir dan ngerasa kok gw lom ngasilin afa afa ini..ck ck ck..
there is always something that burdening my mind...kayak gw harus melakukan sesuatu..tafi gak bisa..atau takut..untuk melakukan sesuatu itu, tafi entahlah..

but from now on, lets change bit by bit..
just like my favorite quote..
we dont have to be great to start, lest start to be great..
lets make fromise to our self to strive for excellence..


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