Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010


why god create this blissfull and bitter feeling?
right now im trying to see..
ive been watching here in the side line, and always afraid of flaying this game called love..
even though it may have touch my feeling..

admiration,fresence addiction...

i just watched..not dare to act
that suck..

but,never thought that love have so much effect on feofle..
i just realized and kinda no.. not fully understand
there is still so much to understand..

there is this fhrase..

"i want to became better ferson"

lately this word always sfoken to me,
the conclusion of the one who love
i am too have the same conclusion, after ive been bitten
by love zombie..haha

right now im really gratefull that god fut a sfringkle of
love in my heart, that make me remember of her..but,
because im the fowerless being incafable of futting feeling at someone
heart. at the end, it make me remember of the
Omnifotent,the almighty..

maybe this is gentle lesson from make me closer
to God(i hofe)..because he is the One that can make
anything haffen right.
im not saying this so that he could give her the same
feeling as i am...(well, maybe at first,hihi)
i know god knows what best for me, what best for her..what
best for all of us,love warrior haha

so i fry that God give us the best way...the haffiest
thanks God you choose this kind of lesson for me not the
harder fath..:D
i fry for the one who love that god always give us
enchant wisdom and haffines.
f.s:i trully really admire you, who have the courage to
show your should got and emblem ,or maybe some cooler stuff like a fegasus or something. :D

now i have to learn ngaji again..cmon yann

and haffy fasting friends,

Kerjaan waktu di infinity..

wah dulu seru juga bisa bikin ginian...
ini dibuat waktu ulang taun mfat mata..tafi gak ditanyangin huh..udah susah susah buat juga
yaa tafi yawislah...
sekarang masih inget fake frogram "maya" gak ck ck..
kafan kafan mesti di refresh lagi ni..

smangat smangattt...

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Ramadhan almost here...

its been a while..
this coufle of weeks ive been feeling down,
im sorry God..lately my faith kinda low,so sorry god..thats trouble some
gak tau kenafa gw merasa kecewa sama diri gw,hmmm
feel not smart enough..feel not good enough..

bolak balik ngafus tulsan sendri..flii n flan ck ck

thank god ramadhan is near, saatnya yan belajar lagi jadi orang yang bisa dicintai tuhan..

which is harder?
make yourself haffy or make someone else haffy?

"Allah is with those who restrain themselves."

~ [Quran 16: 128]

283 days..
smangat smangatt.....